Steve kirk spectaculars in dinosaur worlds
Steve kirk spectaculars in dinosaur worlds

rex specimens have generated substantial information about its anatomy and genealogical relationships. A century of study and the existence of 50 fairly complete T. rex's popular persona, however, is as much a function of artistic license as of concrete scientific evidence. rex was, as usual, presented as a killing machine whose sole purpose was aggressive, bloodthirsty attacks on helpless prey. In Spielberg's Jurassic Park, which at the time boasted the most accurate popular depiction of dinosaurs ever, T. rex as a “10,000-pound roadrunner from hell,” a tribute to its obvious size and power. Bakker, now at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, described T. rex is dead.” And paleontologist Robert T. rex, study it, imagine it, and let it scare us. rex, “We're lucky to have the opportunity to know T. Horner of Montana State University and science writer Don Lessem wrote in their book The Complete T. The very name Tyrannosaurus rex-“tyrant lizard king”-evokes a powerful image of this species. Harvard University paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould said that every species designation represents a theory about that animal.

steve kirk spectaculars in dinosaur worlds steve kirk spectaculars in dinosaur worlds

Children, filmmaker Steven Spielberg and professional paleontologists agree that the superstar was and is Tyrannosaurus rex. Of these charismatic animals, however, one species has always ruled our fantasies. Velociraptors star in movies, and Triceratops toys clutter toddlers' bedrooms. Dinosaurs ceased to walk the earth 66 million years ago, yet they still live among us.

Steve kirk spectaculars in dinosaur worlds